Make an Appointment |
To make an appointment during business hours, please phone 1300 559 196 or 07-3360 0225 or email us at [email protected].
Alternatively you may prefer to check availability and book online 24/7.
Private Health & Medicare Rebates
Private health and Medicare rebates are available for eligible clients. Private Health rebates vary considerably, so it is best to check directly with your provider for more information. Alternatively, if your doctor assesses you to be eligible for Psychological services under Medicare and you have a referral, you may claim a Medicare rebate of $84.60 per session for up to 10 sessions per calendar year.
Cancellation Policy
While we appreciate that there are many reasons why you may need to change your appointment, please provide at least 24 hours notice. Full cancellation fees will be applied to appointments that are cancelled or rescheduled less than 24 hours ahead of the scheduled time. Full cancellation fees also apply to unattended appointments. Sessions may also be conducted via telephone or Skype, should you have any difficulty attending your session in person.
Transport & Parking
Casual Car Parking is available at Wilson Parking (near the Pig'n' Whistle) Eagle Street Pier via Eagle Street. For more information please phone Wilson Parking direct on 3233 0700 or click here.
Taxi cab rank is located within 10m of Waterfront Place on Eagle Street.
Please phone:
Yellow Cabs - 131 924
Black and White Cabs - 133 222
City Cat Services run regularly along the Brisbane River from Bretts Wharf at Hamilton through to the University of Queensland at St Lucia. Access to this service is from the promenade at the base of the stairs of Riverside Centre's plaza. Along with the City Cat services there are cross river ferries that also operate regularly to take you across to to Kangaroo Point or to the Story Bridge. A timetable and further details of these services can be found at City Cat and Ferry Timetables.
Bus Stop 152 is located outside the Riverside Centre on Eagle St, with a number of other bus stops just a short walk away. Details of these servcies can be found at Bus Timetables.
Central Station is located on Ann St and less than 500m from our office. Details of routes and timetables can be found at City Train Timetables.
Details of all bus, train and ferry services can be found on
Casual Car Parking is available at Wilson Parking (near the Pig'n' Whistle) Eagle Street Pier via Eagle Street. For more information please phone Wilson Parking direct on 3233 0700 or click here.
Taxi cab rank is located within 10m of Waterfront Place on Eagle Street.
Please phone:
Yellow Cabs - 131 924
Black and White Cabs - 133 222
City Cat Services run regularly along the Brisbane River from Bretts Wharf at Hamilton through to the University of Queensland at St Lucia. Access to this service is from the promenade at the base of the stairs of Riverside Centre's plaza. Along with the City Cat services there are cross river ferries that also operate regularly to take you across to to Kangaroo Point or to the Story Bridge. A timetable and further details of these services can be found at City Cat and Ferry Timetables.
Bus Stop 152 is located outside the Riverside Centre on Eagle St, with a number of other bus stops just a short walk away. Details of these servcies can be found at Bus Timetables.
Central Station is located on Ann St and less than 500m from our office. Details of routes and timetables can be found at City Train Timetables.
Details of all bus, train and ferry services can be found on